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Hello Daraus, hope you're doing just fine! This is such a great game, I really enjoyed it a lot. Really looking forward for the future of the game, (looking forward to finally date the teacher), I actually have some ideas to share.

Currently there are three locations that are not used as much as the clubroom: namely; Swimming Pool,, Coffee Shop, Clothes Shop.
So I think instead of only interacting with the girls on the Club Room, we can find them on different locations other than the Club Room, under specific conditions or triggers (check 1a, 1c and 1c for the condition and triggers I've come up with) 

1a. Condition: Equipping specific outfit = For example, if Monika is wearing the "Casual" outfit, we can find her at the Coffee Shop, if she's wearing "Event" she will be at the Clothes Shop, if she's wearing "Bikini" she is at the School Pool.
This will be a condition that can be set by the players, by equipping a certain outfit, which on the next "day" will take effect, causing the girls to be at the area that is equal to the outfit (e.g. Bikini = School Pool).
1b. New Possibilities = Since we will be able to talk/interact with the girls on different locations, this opens a lot of possible endings for the "day".
( Or can be the usual interactions but with different outcomes and a different location. )
For example, the 'Spend Time', 'Gift Her' and 'Change Clothes' have the same function across all locations. 'Personal Sexual Favors' can be the same, but the H-Scenes will have different areas depending on the location (Coffee Shop > Shop's Bathroom, Clothes Shop > Fitting Room, School Pool > Changing Room). 'Public Sexual Favors' can also have a new outcome per location, 'Ask on a date' will play almost the same but with different scenarios per location, also this option might be not available at the Swimming Pool (cause how to date there?)... and importantly just like in the current game, if a specific conditions are checked, a good ending at our house will happen later that "day", this is equals to new H-Scenes at our room ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
1c. Condition: Girls Status = This can also be used so the game can automatically change the girls location. For example if the Girl's status is "Angry" they will be placed at a random location other than the Club Room. This mechanic will add a fine and somewhat realistic detail. They'll avoid you when they are angry, and they might be waiting for you at the girls bathroom when they are horny and have a higher Lust than Love stat (new interactions when they are at the bathroom?).

If I'm right, when we gift the girls with a dildo but not have H-Scenes with them that day, later that day when we spy on them we'll be able to see them masturbate (where's the dildo tho?). When this happens a dialog "I need to fuck her soon...", what if we add two options after this line, "Fuck Her", "Leave". I mean, currently, the MC can capitalize on this scenario right?
2a. Getting caught = What if we can get caught by the girls spying on them and jerking off of them? This can open new routes and possibilities for the player, or simply affect the girls stats and mood. My idea here is that if we recently caught the girl masturbating but choose to leave (as like in the game), the next night when we spy on the same girl, the game will force us to chose the "Jerk Off" option which will result to us getting caught, and the outcome is determined by the girls mood. If she's Angry and her Lust stat is higher that her Love stat, she will offer the MC services. If she's Angry but her Lust stat is lower than her Love stat, will just ask the MC to leave. If she's Horny... boom H-Scene. 

This could be a simple but really great addition to the game.
3a. Gallery for H-Scenes = The good old collection section of the game where we can watch unlocked H-Scenes, this will also help the player as it can show the player how many more H-Scenes they haven't seen yet.

That's all for now, thank you so much for this amazing game! Looking forward for future updates, and I hope you can consider some of my suggestions hehe.


Hey there Daraus! Are there any cheats available in the game? If so how do you activate them pls? 

On the player stats UI, click on the "sex count" (It is a button with no hover effect)

Ok tysm for the help!

I got one question will Monica be aware that she's in this p*** game because if she is then you nailed this of the characters I swear

Monika already told the player she always wanted to manipulate someone 😳 so maybe... Just saying btw...

okay thank you for your time have a happy Christmas and also happy holidays

After playing the original game, Seeing this makes me sick and kinda want to fuck Monika (:

i love the game. but i was just wondering what "task" meant when you open the book to see the girls stats. are they just not implemented yet? i love how the game is coming along so far. keep it up 


It is the "Public favor scene", if you ask the girl to flirt with another student her task will be there as "Flirting"

oh, thats what it means. ok thank you.


Hey my man this dude tryin to claim this is his.
Doki Doki Hentai Club (+18) by Flexim (

Spammed it in like every popular adult game. I just throught you should know.


I just recently noticed that too and its noticeable that it just a fake copy might be a virus too.

Deleted 198 days ago
Deleted 198 days ago

it got deleted nice

On which version is it possible to date Carol?

I need to add this, but will take some updates

What can you do at the pool?

maybe I forgot that area... So for now there is nothing there but I will add it soon 🤙🏻

This is amazing and thank you for updating so much keeping going

Np <3

does Natsuki and Sayori not have a special event like monika and yuri do? i put the event clothning on all of them and monika and yuri only have a special scene.


Is there a cheat menu and if there is how you access it? 


On the player stats UI, click on the "sex count" (It is a button with no hover effect).


(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Hey Daraus, what can when can we expect to see more content added to the teacher, coffee girl and clothing girl?

Also, what is your main thing you want to add to DDHC?

Here's some ideas for you to possibly add to the game:

The scenes from the original game with the cg's remade in koikatsu (e.g helping Yuri make banners and helping Natsuki bake cupcakes)

The scene from the original game where Natsuki accuses the player of looking up her skirt (depending on her love/lust level she'd let you look up her skirt and maybe even take her panties off)

Random times in the game when choosing Personal Sexual Favours where the girls don't have a bra and/or panties on underneath so when you ask them to show their bra or ass/panties exposing their bare tits/ass/pussy. (Maybe this can link on from a new Public Sexual favour where you ask the girls to give you their bra and/or panties.

The option to give the girls and the other characters nicknames (like in MHR)

Can you bring the girls home after date?

If so how?


you have to see them naked first


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'monikaInterest'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "scripts/Girls Scripts/Monika/RouteM.rpyc", line 613, in script call

  File "renpy/", line 1705, in execute

  File "scripts/Girls Scripts/Monika/RouteM.rpyc", line 613, in script call

  File "renpy/", line 927, in lookup

ScriptError: could not find label 'monikaInterest'.


Found a error 

which version are y playing?

Version 0.16

ok, I will fix it on next update, thanks for sending here 👍


Great game! I hope you release an update soon with content for the teacher and sellers. 

Deleted post
Can you update game please i want play the game with add mission or task to do and fucking scene to please

On the last friday I released an update ;-;


Ok then

Ren'py 8, por favor

I just know this game is gonna be amazing when its done i'm guessing maybe 1 year or 2 years from now. But keep up the amazing work.

Thanks <3


game is great!!! a lot of reused dialogue but i know the games still in development!!! CANT WAIT


I would like more sexual scenes to come out in version 0.16, like fucking, because 0.15 is almost the same as 0.14

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

can you fix the mistake when you take off sayori's panties please

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

If you need somebody to go through and correct some mistakes in the English dialog feel free to hit me up.

There is a chat on my discord server to send some typos if you want 👌🏻

Quick question how do I use the camera idk where to put it and idk how to use it

In the Bathroom and Changing room, after placing it there, check on your computer 👌🏻

I love Ddlc and Your game (Doki doki hentai club ) looks amazing! Can I make a video playing it? I will add where it can be bought and your patreon ^^(knowing that I post it on porn website and get some ad revenue from my videos) thanks for reading me

sure bro


Hey Daraus what's gonna be in v 0.16?


Add memes

Daraus, for some reason i was "kicked" from the discord server for no reason, can you help/let me join again?

try again

it worked thanks! i love your work btw, i really enjoy ddhc!


I'm about to play this game when the game suggest to play the original game sooo... I did and god!!! why did I do it! 


hahaha! That was exactly was I thought, and that's why I made this game

Well I will enjoy both games and look forward for more updates

How do you unlock the sex scenes

There's no sex scenes yet as far as I know.


you have to do personal sexual favours, then go through them one by one until you have them all

what version is it sir

What version is it Matthew

Long may Daraus

(1 edit) (-1)

Not much going on, really repetitive, the scores are just stopped at some point

I know the game is still developing but buying camera for each use is weird ngl

Overall, not a bad experiment, i would love to see more date options which can trigger h-screens

And 1 one thing that quite unconvenient is no roll back on options sreen, the auto save saves whenever there was an option sreen

Will you be adding anal soon?

I will but Idk when, maybe on a few updates

(1 edit)


Hi, i ran into a problem, ddhc and mhr stoped starting with versions 0.13 and 0.40, I play from me phone using the joiplay emulator, advise me what solutions or other good emulators (emulators are especially valuable because Joiplay is very limited in the games being launched)

Es obligatorio pagar para la versión 0.14??

No tengo dinero para eso xd  😞

This version is going to be free in 2 weeks


I am asking some questions. Please answer HONESTLY.

What was your motivation to create this DDLC parody?


Idk, I love DDLC and Visuals novels and I wanted to give it a try, and of course, money too 👌🏻

Understandable, have a nice day.

It would be nice if they put a scene for the object of the camera and if they added something in the option of sexual favors in public

I will but I still need more time to update the game

Daerus (and everyone else),
I am randomly saying Hello. (everyone reply Hello)


Hello. :)


(1 edit)



Dear daerus....WHY I NEED PAY FOR V0.12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????!?!?!?!??!!

pls replay thanks!

If you already paid for it, there is a button "I already paid for this" on the download windown. But the v0.12 is going to be free today so you can just wait a bit

The loading does not work for me at all. Is there something I can do?


Dear 3D hentai game makers i have something to say

After playing said games and games that I find that are essentialy the same to said games like JumpHarem by Arkleoff

I have noticed a bug or what i call a speedrun tactic , in all of the games ive played like the one i mentioned

is that you dont need to max out stuff like relationship and stuff to use the sexual favors 

lemme explain when playing a game like TrainingSlayer by Bokundev 

It is the only game that actualy made me do work to get the scenes i wanted But the bug is still present so i still got the scenes pretty easily

Please tell me if you want a video explaining or rather how said bug works

PLEASE NOTE:No updates have removed said bug and is present in all games that have the same mechanics

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